How to use the Sentient ELEMENT

With the Sentient ELEMENT, you use a remote device, such as a tablet, to input a frequency, or frequencies, from a wide variety of programs and apps available online. The Sentient ELEMENTis one of the most powerful PEMF devices on the market allowing you to choose from long, low intensity sessions to short, deep penetrating high intensity sessions, or anything in between.
Why a remote frequency device? This is really just a technical way of saying an external device, such as a tablet, laptop, or smart phone with a program or app downloaded to generate the frequencies. We believe this is the best way to create and control the frequencies you wish to use for PEMF sessions.
First and foremost because it allows you to always be “up to date” with the latest frequencies or sets of frequencies for a particular health issue, unlike systems with onboard frequencies that are locked in with older information.
Secondly, we know that most people already own a suitable piece of hardware to download programs or apps onto, so why make you pay for something you already have? Even without downloading a program or app, you can simply play a frequency directly from the internet. Sites like YouTube have hundreds of frequencies to choose from that people have created for the benefit of everyone.
The Sentient ELEMENT chassis. It is one of the most powerful units on the market, yet the chassis is one of the smallest in size. This will allow you to have the unit set up and ready to use at all times since it will comfortably fit on a nightstand or end table.
The Sentient ELEMENT coil. The coil design is among the most advanced. It is engineered to make the most of the chassis’s power and abilities. Made slightly oval to better fit over the head, and slightly curved to better wrap comfortably contoured to the body, it will deliver the magnetic field where you want it and at the levels you need it,
Choosing a remote device. It all comes down to what app or program you want to run. As far as we know, the only program that has the Rife frequencies preprogrammed in is Frex16. It only runs on a Windows platform, so you would want to use a laptop. If that is the only thing you will be using the laptop for, the smallest, cheapest unit you can find will be plenty capable of running the Sentient ELEMENT, so long as it has an audio out jack. The downside of the Frex16 program is that, although pretty cheap, it is not free like some of the apps, and it does not allow you to run multiple frequencies at once (it does allow different frequencies programmed to run one after the other as a single setup, just not different frequencies at the same time).
If you don’t care about preprogrammed frequencies because you are familiar with finding the proper ones to use and are comfortable with setting up apps with frequencies that you want to use as a routine, then any android device will work. The downside of android devices is that we know of no app that has preprogrammed Rife frequencies. The upside is there are a few different apps to choose from that will play multiple frequencies simultaneously, which seems to be the newest twist in getting the most out of using PEMF. Again, if this is the only thing you will be using the device for, the cheapest unit you can find will still be plenty powerful enough to do the job so long as it has an audio out jack.
In addition, one of our early users had this to say “For the PC: The program allows you to run multiple frequencies at once and to make and save files of those multiple frequencies. The program occasionally sells for half price and is on sale now for $34.99 until May 15th (reg. price is $70). I believe the software will save and export files for use in a music player (a playlist would allow you to play sets of frequencies in progression.) You can try it for free but it will ask you to buy it after using it a few times. Here is the site: Android platform: The phone app is called “Tone Generator”. (If it helps, the logo is four arches that look like a sound wave in muted rainbow colors on a black background.) NCH makes this app as well. The free version has worked well for me and I recommend paying for it if the free version is not available or fully functional for you. It is a little bit unwieldy at first as you save files with multiple frequencies but it works pretty well once you have saved several files that you want to use.
iPad and iPhone: The free version on iPad has limited features but the full version is reasonably priced. I do not know if it is available on iPhone. As far as convenience of use, I prefer the phone as a signal generator rather than the PC. That said, Frex 16 is very useful as a library and its progression of signals is useful if you don’t want to use multiple waves at once.”
Start here, Watch ALL Steps before using the Sentient Element.
STEP ONE: Audio Function Generator Tutorial
STEP TWO: Setup, Run and Placement of Coil
STEP THREE: Function Generator App Tips
STEP FOUR: Sentient Element Precautions
STEP FIVE: Sentient Element Meters