PEMF Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

1 out of 13 people all over the world suffers from anxiety, and depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, this was said in a recent research report by the World Health Organisation.
In the United States, around 15.7 million adults have experienced a major depressive episode in a single year, and anxiety affects 40 million adults in the US, making it the most common mental illness in the country.
Understanding Depression And Anxiety
Depression is a serious and common medical condition which negatively impacts a person’s feeling; persistently making them feel sad or empty. Those who suffer from depression lose interest in the activities they once enjoyed and face emotional and physical problems which decrease their ability to function properly.
The symptoms of depression vary from mild to severe, and they have to last for over two weeks in order for a diagnosis; these symptoms commonly include:
- Persistent sad and gloomy mood
- Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
- Changes in appetite, weight gain or weight loss without any dieting
- Excessive sleeping or trouble sleeping
- Increased fatigue or loss of energy
- Feeling guilty or worthless
- Slowed speech and movements
- Increase in purposeless physical activity such as pacing, hand-wringing, etc
- Difficulty concentrating, thinking or making decisions
- Suicidal thoughts
There are certain risk factors that may lead to depression, these factors include;
- Personality: People who get easily overwhelmed with stress, or those with low self-esteem, or those that are generally pessimistic are more likely to get depressed.
- Environmental factors: A person continuously exposed to abuse, violence, poverty, and neglect is more likely to develop symptoms of depression.
- Biochemistry: A person can become depressed due to differences in various brain chemicals.
- Genetics: People belonging to a family with a history of depression are more likely to feel depressed. For instance, if one of the identical twins has depression, the other one has a 70% chance of developing the illness.
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress and makes you feel nervous or anxious, and it can be beneficial in some instances; it may motivate you to do a better job and work harder.
Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, are different than anxiety and cause excessive anxiety or fear. Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental disorders and can affect a person’s ability to lead a normal and productive life.
Women are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, and people affected by it try to avoid situations that set-off or worsen their symptoms. The types of anxiety disorder are;
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder: It involves excessive and persistent worrying about everyday things such as chores, appointments, job responsibilities, family health, etc.; this worrying can interfere with a person’s ability to do day to day activities. The symptoms for GAD include restlessness, easily fatiguing, feeling on edge, trouble concentrating, sleeping problems, or muscle tension.
- Social Anxiety Disorder: Previously known as social phobia, social anxiety disorder causes significant discomfort and anxiety due to being looked down in social interaction, rejection, being humiliated or embarrassed. This type of anxiety leads to avoidance behavior or enduring triggering situations with excessive anxiety.
- Separation Anxiety Disorder: Excessive fear and anxiety about separating from a loved one is a separation anxiety disorder. This feeling persists at least six months in adults and four weeks in children and is inappropriate for the person’s age. People affected by separation anxiety refuse or avoid sleeping without that loved one and experience nightmares about separating.
- Panic Disorder: Recurrent panic attacks, psychological and physical distress in an overwhelming combination, rapid heart rate, palpitations, shaking, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, feeling or chocking, hot or chill flashes, abdominal pain and nausea, feeling of detachment, fear of death, fear of losing control are all symptoms of panic disorder. The symptoms can occur in combination and are so severe that the person may think of it as a heart attack or other life-threatening disease. These attacks can be a response to a feared object or occur for no apparent reason.
- Phobias: Persistent and excessive fear about a situation or object that may not be generally harmful is categorized as a phobia. Patients can’t overcome phobias even though they know that their fear is excessive; these phobias can cause distress and lead to avoidance behavior.
- Agoraphobia: Fear of situations where escape may be embarrassing or difficult or where help may not be available during a panic episode is agoraphobia. This excessive fear affects a person’s ability to function, and the symptoms generally last for six months.
Treatment For Depression And Anxiety
Thankfully, the treatment for both depression and anxiety is possible, and even though both conditions are unrelated, their treatment is almost the same and include;
A patient may benefit from a specific type of therapy according to their condition. These therapies include;
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT: Teaches the patient to adjust their behavior, thoughts and reactions and helps them become more rational.
- Interpersonal Therapy: Teaches ways to communicate with others so the person can effectively and efficiently express themselves.
- Problem-Solving Therapy: Uses coping skills to manage the symptoms of the patient.
There are several types of medications that a doctor may prescribe as a treatment for depression and anxiety.
- Antidepressants: These drugs include SSRIs and SNRIs, each has its own risks and benefit, and it is prescribed according to the severity of the condition.
- Anti-Anxiety Medications: These medications reduce anxiety symptoms and can only be used for a short time as there’s a risk of addiction involved.
- Mood Stabilizers: If antidepressants don’t work on their own, mood stabilizers may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Unfortunately, these treatments may not work for everyone, and up to two-thirds of patients don’t feel better after trying their first antidepressant. A third don’t find success even after several attempts of treatment.
Patients with treatment-resistant depression suffer for years and find no relief from the treatment, which may worsen their symptoms.
But several alternative treatments may relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.
PEMF Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy devices apply harmless electromagnetic waves to a person’s body. There is research that shows that low-frequency PEMF therapy increases circulation of oxygen, decreases inflammatory cytokines, reduces inflammation, eases pain, improves mobility, promotes healing, and helps balance antioxidants and free radicals.
PEMF therapy was developed as a way to treat fractures and was approved by the FDA for that purpose, but today, people use it to treat several health issues. The FDA approved PEMF therapy for general use in 2007, and many athletes have used it as a way to improve their performance.
Once the use of PEMF therapy became common, people started experimenting with the device to see if it helps with mental illnesses as well; experts have also conducted several studies on using PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety. Today millions of people are using PEMF therapy to improve mental health and relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety; many even call it the best treatment for depression and anxiety.
According to research, magnetic field therapy can effectively treat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Patients finding success through medication can potentially improve their result; that’s why it wouldn’t be wrong to say that PEMF therapy enables the best treatment for depression and anxiety.
A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School shows that a 20-minute session with a PEMF device for treating patients with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder resulted in an over 10% improvement in their mood, life interests and ability to work. This 10% improvement can be the difference between life and death for a patient with severe depression and anxiety.
Another study shows that patients in the active transcranial PEMF (T-PEMF) group experienced a 62% reduction on the DRS after five weeks of active low-intensity T-PEMF treatment and the improvement was evident since the beginning weeks of therapy.
A home study of PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety found that 73% of the patients found relief from their depression after eight weeks of daily PEMF therapy. This percentage was significantly lower at five weeks, standing at 27% and 52% of patients stayed in remission even after two years of treatment and those who relapsed found comfort again after another course of treatment.
Another study on healthy women receiving low-intensity PEMF therapy caused changes in their EEG after nine minutes of treatment applied to two different areas of the brain. Higher EEG frequencies are common in anxiety, which means that PEMF therapy can be used to treat anxiety effectively.
There are several animal studies that also demonstrate the value of using PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety. After fifteen minutes of treatment with a pulsed and low-frequency EM field, mice displayed reduced anxiety-like behaviors.
These are just a few studies that suggest that daily and long-term use of PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety can be effective for the patients. Using a portable home PEMF device such as Sentient Element can reduce the cost of treatment and inconvenience with no or minimal side effects; making it one of the best treatment for depression and anxiety.
Frequencies Of PEMF Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
Low-intensity PEMF therapy has been proven to improve the mood of people suffering from depression. A 20-minute session of PEMF therapy with 1000 Hz square wave signal with 20 Gauss of maximum field intensity showed over 10% improvement in the mood of all the patients that were part of the study conducted by the Harvard Medical School.
First-Hand Experience With PEMF Therapy

The founder of Sentient Element, Larry Langdon, has first-hand experience of using PEMF therapy; he invented the device to treat his Lyme disease after a tick bit him.
A therapist was suggesting Sentient Element as a mean to enable affordable and effective treatment for depression and anxiety reports that the patients feel much better after using PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety.
The doctor suggests that maintaining a proper diet along with PEMF therapy shows best results; the diet may include;
- Antioxidant-Rich Food: Containing beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E such as sweet potato, apricots, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, peaches, collards, cantaloupe, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, grapefruit, oranges, peppers, kiwi, tomato, potatoes, strawberries, wheat germ, nuts and seeds, margarine, vegetable oils.
- Complex Carbs: Smart of complex carbs can help boost the production of serotonin; the happy chemical. These carbs are found in whole grain, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.
- Protein Rich Food: Serotonin production can also be increased by consuming protein-rich food such as chicken, tuna, turkey, lean beef, peas and beans, low-fat cheese, milk, yogurt, soy products.
- Food With Vitamin B12: People with reduced vitamin B12 are more likely to get affected by depression so eating legumes, nuts, dark green vegetables, fruits, fish, low-fat dairy products containing B12 can reduce the chances of depression.
- Vitamin D: Low levels of vitamin D are common among people with depression, so consuming can aid in treating depression. Overconsumption of vitamin D rich food can cause other problems, so don’t overdo it.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: People with lower levels of omega-3 are more susceptible to developing major mental disorders. These acids are good for your heart as well and can be found in fatty fish, soybean and canola oils, flaxseed, walnuts, leafy and dark green vegetables.
- Selenium-Rich Foods: Recommended selenium level for adults is 55 micrograms/day for adults, and both low and high selenium levels can negatively affect your mood. Maintaining an optimum amount of selenium may be beneficial which can be achieved with one of the following; legumes and beans, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, seafood, whole grains, seeds and nuts.
Ask your doctor before changing your diet as it may harm your health, especially if you have underlying conditions.
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