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7 Reasons not to buy Ampcoil

SENTIENT ELEMENT is 10X more powerful than Ampcoil and heals faster with its Advanced Dual coil system.

ampcoil reviews debunked

Why you should choose SENTIENT ELEMENT over AmpCoil?

Larry Langdon invented the Sentient Element and the original Ampcoil to help him fight Lyme disease.The Latest Ampcoil machine has 60% less power than the original, since it has moved away from Larry's initial design.

1.Heals Faster

Sentient Element is a 10x more powerful device and helps heal faster. Many Ampcoil reviews say it works slowly for symptoms of chronic conditions such as Lyme disease. This is because they downgraded its power.

2.No Expensive Hardware

Unlike AmpCoil, our machine works with any tablet, smartphone, or laptop. You can use it to create the frequencies. This brings down the price of our product.

3.No Expensive Apps

To use AmpCoil, you need to install their app. This is not necessary for our device. Just download your chosen frequency from the internet to your phone, tablet, or laptop. You can then play the frequency to the coil at your own convenience

4.Improved Blood Circulation

You will see increased energy levels and better cognitive function because our coils spread the magnetic field all over your body which improves blood circulation.

5.Advanced Dual Coil System

Unlike Ampcoil, you can share your PEMF sessions with your loved ones who are working on the same health issue or even a different health issue.

6.Best Frequency Ranges

You can operate at multiple frequencies to target specific health issues. With such great accuracy, you can treat both acute and chronic conditions.

7.Voice Diagnostics is Impossible

Ampcoil debunked—They claim to use Voice print analysis. Voice diagnostics require thousands of voice samples of a patient to predict a specific disease. Imagine taking thousands of voice samples taken for thousands of diseases for thousands of patients. Voice Diagnostics - NOT YET widely accepted or proven reliable for diagnosing diseases.

Comparison Chart

System Voltage SENTIENT ELEMENT Ampcoil
System Voltage 120 / 240 vAC 120 / 240 vAC
Maximum System Power 2500 watts
Peak Gauss 50/50 Duty Cycle 350 Continuous Gauss (150,000 Peak G)
System Amplifier Range 2 - 22,000 Hz
Primary Coil Effective Range 2 – 2,500 Hz 4 - 2,200 Hz
Wave Form Any Waveform Sine
Number of Programs Thousands Thousands
Frequencies Generated 1 or multiple depending on frequency generator Runs from program, not adjustable.
On-board Timer? Adjustable Adjustable
Overheat and Amplifier Overdrive Protection Yes
Type of Coil Design 12" Coil 7 5/8" diameter Coil
Coil Lead Length 12 ft. 6.5 ft.
Warranty Limited Lifetime 1 Year
Retail Price $7,595 $7,995

Why SENTIENT ELEMENT Is Better and More Efficient Than the $8,000 AmpCoil?


The Power Source

The Sentient Element is more powerful than many similar products on the market. Most PEMF machines only range from 1-50Hz. While lower sound range frequencies debilitate many zoonotic (animal to human) pathogens, higher frequencies are critical to debilitate certain key pathogens. Our Dual Coil system is one of the highest intensity PEMF devices on today’s market, with a wide frequency range of 7-10,000 Hz.


Our PEMF machine puts you in total control. Choose a frequency from the internet to play at your own pace and time, so you can concentrate on the areas of your health that are causing you concern.

The Coil

The AmpCoil machine uses a coil that is way outside of a properly tuned coil and is so small that you can’t even get your wrist into it, let alone your head. Sentient Element is different, and it’s available in single coil and dual coil variants. The dual coil system gives you twice the coverage of the pulsed electromagnetic field.

Benefits of Sentient Element over Ampcoil

The Story behind Ampcoil

Larry made a full recovery from Lyme disease with the help of the PEMF Device he designed and built. He vowed to help other people in a similar position to him. He personally drove a machine from Hayden, Idaho to the Bay Area in California to help a fellow Lyme disease sufferer, Aaron Bigelow.

Aaron was an experienced marketer, and he encouraged Larry to refine his design into a more sophisticated piece of equipment for other Lyme disease sufferers to use. Larry did just that, and Ampcoil was born. But Aaron had taken Larry's work to another fabricator.

Larry spent the next year refining the original Ampcoil machine and called it the Sentient Element.

Today , Sentient Element has helped hundreds of people to live a happy, healthy life.

Now it's your turn.

Have Questions?
Give us a call at 208-512-7775