Electrosmog sensitivity and Lyme disease

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are waves of energy produced by cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, other electronic gadgets, and high-voltage power lines that are invisible to the naked eye yet almost omnipresent in our environment.
Although experts claim that EMFs aren't hazardous, a growing body of evidence suggests that they have various effects on human health, including the development of electrosensitivity symptoms. Continue reading to learn how our frequent use of technology may affect our cells and the potential health hazards associated with EMF exposure.
Simple methods for detecting electrosensitivity and reducing your exposure to EMFs are presented.
What are EMFs?
EMFs are energy frequencies that range from low to high on a spectrum. EMFs are produced naturally by the earth and the sun, as well as by man-made equipment like cell phones and Wi-Fi routers. Nonionizing radiation is produced by low-frequency, low-energy fields, which are safe for human exposure and account for the majority of radiation individuals are exposed to.
The following are examples of low-frequency EMF sources:
- Mobile phones
- Radio and television
- Microwaves
- Signals from wireless networks
- Infrared rays are invisible to the naked eye
- Light that can be seen
- High-frequency waves are powerful enough to harm cells, can lower antioxidant levels, and are known carcinogens. Ionizing radiation is produced at these frequencies, which can disrupt chemical bonds and remove electrons from atoms.
The following are examples of high-frequency EMF sources:
- X-rays
- UV (ultraviolet) light
- Gamma rays
- Cosmic rays, a type of radiation that comes from the sun
- Antioxidants such as glutathione and vitamin C are nature's antidotes to oxidative damage, which is at the root of a slew of functional issues.
How do EMFs affect cells?
Although more research is needed to fully comprehend the effects of low-frequency EMF exposure, a growing body of evidence suggests that our constant exposure to EMF may have a greater influence on the body than we know.
EMFs disrupt cellular communication by affecting voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC), which are a type of signaling channel used by our bodies to convey signals across membranes.
Neurotransmitter function, gene expression, muscular contractions, and various other vital biologic functions are all regulated by VGCCs.
Changes in heart rate and blood pressure, cognitive impairment, and DNA damage can all be connected to a disturbance of this mechanism.
Protein expression changes in the skin, Wi-Fi, and cellular devices are safe, according to wireless communications corporations. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also claims that there is no causal link between EMF and bad health impacts.
Low-level radiation, such as the nonionizing radiation emitted by your cell phone, can have a role in causing cancer, Alzheimer, and other illnesses, according to a 2012 report that included more than 2,000 studies examining the influence of EMFs on human health.
Because our exposure to EMFs is all-time high in modern culture, some argue that the cumulative influence of EMFs from all sources causes electrosensitivity.
Its effect on VGCC, the antioxidant state, or other cellular pathways could be the reason for this.
Does electrosensitivity exist?
EMFs may be invisible, but that doesn't mean they don't have an effect on our bodies. Their cumulative effect may be similar to that of pollution or toxin exposure, wherein the body can mediate the effects up to a point, but once that point is passed, we start to notice unwanted, perplexing symptoms.
EMFs can injure the body by lowering antioxidant levels, leading to the production of free radicals and oxidative damage.
Although the FDA does not believe EMFs are dangerous, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified them as a "possible human carcinogen" based on observational human data and animal research linking low-frequency EMFs to tumor growth.
If you're experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, an integrated medicine approach can help you get to the root of the problem and restore balance.
Symptoms of electrosensitivity
Electrosensitivity can manifest itself in various ways, and it can affect people differently depending on their level of sensitivity. Following are some of the symptoms of EMF sensitivity:
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Concentration problems
- Nausea
- Heart rhythm changes
- Dizziness
- Muscle pain
- Modifications in mood
- Depression
Children may be more susceptible to EMF sensitivity than adults because their skin is thinner and they have a higher percentage of water in their tissues.
Childhood malignancies have also been linked to exposure to places with high EMF such as radio and high-voltage power lines according to studies.
Electrosensitivity and exposure to EMF have been proven to have a negative effect on natural circadian rhythm function, interfering with quality sleep in several studies.
Irrespective of whether EMFs affect sleep, the effect of blue light on melatonin production at night makes devices unsuitable for restful sleep. Electronic blue light reduces melatonin production, limiting our ability to have a good night's sleep.
EMF radiation is an immunosuppressant
EMF radiation is classified as an immunosuppressant, which means it suppresses your immune system’s ability to respond to a foreign material or poison, sometimes even completely. Toxins, germs, viruses, and pollutants like mold and pesticides can easily invade your body if your immune system is suppressed.
As part of their therapy procedure, doctors use large doses of radiation to completely suppress the immune systems of cancer patients. On the other hand, daily exposure to low doses of radiation may unwittingly cause immunosuppression in otherwise healthy people, which can significantly increase the chance of developing various illnesses and even chronic disease states.
Repeated exposure to low-level nonionizing radiation impairs the immune system in mice, according to one study. Another set of scientists discovered that exposure to these energy waves had the same immunosuppressive effects as a single dose of diclofenac, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine.
A weakening immune system weakens your force field, making you more vulnerable to environmental chemicals, germs, and viruses, which can cause everything from a regular cold to various chronic disorders. EMFs have been related to the onset of various long-term ailments, including autism; cancer; insomnia and other sleep issues; depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; obesity, asthma; and the list goes on.
Moreover, studies suggest that EMFs may cause an increase in antibiotic-resistant pathogens in the body, a decrease in good bacteria, and an increase in harmful bacteria.
Chronic disease is the largest cause of death and disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization; however, it is also the most avoidable sickness due to the myriad environmental poisons involved.
EMFs and Lyme disease
Every year, more than 300,000 people in the United States are bitten by a tick and infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease. Lyme disease is the most frequent vector-borne disease (spread by animal bites) in the United States.
Fever, headache, bodily aches, exhaustion, and a skin rash are among the first symptoms. The symptoms are generated by the illness's inflammatory reaction, not by the infection itself.
Antibiotics are usually administered to address the symptoms. Symptoms can progress to severe headaches and neck stiffness, arthritis, facial palsy, body pain, heart palpitations, dizziness or shortness of breath, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, nerve pain, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, and problems with short-term memory if left untreated.
Lyme disease is frequently ignored in its early stages—people may not even recognize they've been infected—leading to the disease's progression.
The symptoms of Lyme disease may persist even if it's treated early with the right treatments. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 10%-20% of patients with Lyme disease continue to have symptoms, which can last up to 6 months or more. Fatigue, joint or muscular discomfort, and cognitive difficulties are common symptoms. This phase is known as posttreatment Lyme disease (PTLDS), also known as chronic Lyme.
Medical practitioners are still baffled by Lyme disease. However, there appear to be some important environmental factors that influence the severity of the condition.
EMFs and mold are two of the most important culprits.
Lyme disease is an inflammatory infection. Inflammatory proteins are found in increased concentrations throughout the body, including the bloodstream and the brain, in people with PTLDS, and these levels persist after antibiotic treatment.
We also know that EMFs have an effect on the immune system and can promote inflammation in the body. The Lyme infection can remain because of a compromised immune system, which leads to ongoing inflammation.
For someone with Lyme disease, this is an extremely undesirable combination.
Mold is the second environmental poison to be discussed. Mold is a microscopic creature that can be found in almost every home. People who are exposed to mold may have hay fever-like symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, and skin rash), as well as asthma attacks and irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs.
Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome is a multi-faceted illness caused by mold. It can not only be caused by Lyme (because of the weaker immune system) but can also prolong a Lyme infection and make therapy ineffective.
Mold infection, according to some specialists, could be the cause of half of all unresolved Lyme cases.
The fact that EMF radiation promotes mold growth further complicates the situation!
EMFs may not only have a direct effect on the body's response to Lyme disease but also be exacerbating another environmental component affecting the disease's severity.
EMFs and mold are two common environmental factors that exacerbate the effects of Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses.
Electrical hypersensitivity syndrome can be caused by chronic illnesses
Exposure to EMFs causes various nonspecific symptoms known as electrical hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS).
EHS can be thought of as an allergy to electromagnetic fields. Everyone's "allergic response" may be different.
Sleep disruptions, exhaustion, depression, headaches, concentration problems, learning difficulties, limb and joint pains, numbness or tingling sensations, tinnitus, hearing loss, impaired balance, and other bodily system disorders are some of the symptoms that can occur.
People with chronic illnesses, such as PTLDS, are more likely to be affected by EMFs because their biological processes are disrupted. EMF radiation exposure can further cause stress and deteriorate immune system function, potentially leading to hypersensitivity to gadgets emitting EMF radiation.
EMF reduction for illness treatment
EMFs are detrimental for us in some manner, shape, or form, according to the data.
They have the potential to exacerbate many chronic diseases or to establish a biological milieu that invites them in and makes it easy to fall ill.
Reducing EMF exposure can aid the body's recovery from a dysfunctional and stressed state, allowing it to fend off additional pollutants. There is a link between the growing severity of Lyme disease in patients and the rise in EMF and microwave radiation, as revealed by Dr. Klinghardt. By removing cordless cell phones and shutting off fuses at night, Dr. Klinghardt helps his patients reduce sources of EMF radiation in their homes.
He discovered that lowering EMFs was more effective than any drug at curing Lyme disease.
Detoxing from EMFs is both an excellent holistic treatment for illnesses and a terrific preventative approach to help guard against this unseen threat.